
5:54 pm

After everything this year, I’m finally back in Vancouver. I'm too exhausted to type any more words right now, but these are from a test shoot with Karen in downtown Vancouver.

It’s nice to be home. =)

Dream Out Loud
Dream Out Loud

Dream Out Loud
Dream Out Loud

Back in Van

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  1. i can identify with something in this post...the part about it being nice to be home
    nice shots. your quite good with portraits :-)

  2. Beautiful shots. excellent portrait images I'd say :-)

  3. Very nice shots. Vancouver is a beautiful city. You should enjoy it.

  4. It's weird, I think I always like the last picture the most :D (in this case because of the awesome shades). great pics. :)

  5. Great shots, great style!


  6. This is a wonderful post and may be one that ought to be followed up to see what happens

    A pal mailed this link the other day and I am desperately awaiting your next put up. Proceed on the exceptional work.

  7. Observed your blog post via bing the other day and absolutely enjoy it. Keep up this fantastic work.

  8. I love Vancouver. I was just there about a week before you arrived back (mid August). It was my first time. I'm originally from Ottawa, but have been living in Melbourne Australia with my wife for 7 years now. Wow the days just whizz by. . .

    Anyway, you're photography (not just these ones) is awesome. I really like your whole blog. I'm a bit(a lot) jealous by the amount of traveling you do.

    PS: thanks for checking out my blog too.. and commenting. :D
