The Journey, guest blogged by Hannah Bacalla

8:00 am

Here's another guest blog post, this one is from Hanna Bacalla. Hannah's photographs are beautiful. When she asked me what she should write about, my instructions were quite succinct: be honest. She quickly sent me this post with a message "It's the most honest thing I've ever written." I hope you enjoy her honesty as much as I do.

I am a self-taught photographer born and raised in the tropical island of Cebu, Philippines.

At first, I really have no idea what to write. I was confused whether I should write about my experiences, the whole process of my work or my influences? Or all of the above? I was never good at writing nor giving a piece of mind through writing. I do that through pictures.

I got my first film camera on my 6th birthday. Unfortunately, being the forgetful person that I am, I don't have much memory of it nor pictures to show.

I eventually rekindled my relationship with photography when I got my first digital camera around 2004. It wasn't anything special. Just your typical digital camera. I started shooting some friends who are also into modeling. I fell in love with photography more and more and people started to notice my work. I was even surprised that I got featured in some papers. After a few months, my camera broke. I think it was a sign for me to upgrade. But I couldn't because I cannot afford it yet. Months went by without a camera and it made me really depressed. I started doing mixed media and used the photos that I took earlier that year to create some pieces.

Finally, around May, 2006, I got my first DSLR and in less than 24 hours I got my first gig! First fashion shoot that I did for a local newspaper.

From then on it was a roller coaster ride.

Honestly, it's not always as happy as I want it to be. But by creating these images it made life a bit easier.

I have accepted the fact that it will always be a love-hate relationship between me and my work. One minute I think it's great, the next I think it is just okay or there's something lacking. But I always think that it is a good thing. It motivates me to be better and work harder.

My inspiration comes from my dreams, emotions, experiences and just random things that I encounter in life. My influences are mostly painters, digital artists and other photographers.

If I have to pick three of my favorite photographers it would be my undying love for Paolo Roversi. His work is just perfect and the feel of his photographs is just magnificent. Beautiful beyond words. I'm forever a fan of Erwin Olaf, he is one of the photographers that inspired me to get started and he's just a pure genius. Lastly, I will always love Eugenio Recuenco for his amusingly witty pictures and mind-blowing sets. He inspired me a lot and I always revisit his work if I need motivation to keep going.

Over the years, I have been redefining my style. I'm more focus on my personal work than ever before. I'm always in search of beauty and sombreness. Something that works it's way under the skin and yet remains so beautiful.

-Hannah Bacalla

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  1. [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Tracy Zhang, nigel. nigel said: The Journey, guest blogged by Hannah Bacalla: Here’s another guest blog post, this one is from Hanna Bacalla. Ha... [...]

  2. Excellent shots, I'm not mush of a people person (as in taking photos of them) but I love seeing how fashion photographers "finish" their work, beautiful!!!

  3. Beautiful post! Love these images and love the honesty.

  4. i love hannah bacalla's works :)

  5. eremophila10/2/11 8:19 pm

    Very nice work, and nice to get some insight into the photographer's mind/eye.

  6. what stunning pictures, they really give an air of vulnerability. wicked :)

  7. The photos are breathtaking......Hannah work is alluring and captivating. I also enjoy reading her journey, pure and honest. I love it!

  8. such exceptional camera work, really captivating images of fashion and models!!
