Ever since I first heard of the last matriarch society in the world, I knew I had to go there.
In a remote part of China, only accessible by a 5 hour car ride, I learned about a world where women dictate finances, inherit property, and make most family decisions. The Musuo do not marry; women take as many lovers as they would like. They also live in a beautiful part of China - beside a crystal blue lake in the mountains that some describes paradise.
This month, Wild Junket magazine published my photos of the Musuo tribe in their Winter 2012 issue. I am so glad that the magazine ran this 8 page spread. The Musuo tribe - their life and their settlement - fascinated me so much. I can't wait to go back there some day.
If you are not a reader of Wild Junket yet, you can subscribe to their newsletter and get the digital versions of the magazine for free. I hope you have a chance to look through the magazine and I hope you enjoy these photos!

In a remote part of China, only accessible by a 5 hour car ride, I learned about a world where women dictate finances, inherit property, and make most family decisions. The Musuo do not marry; women take as many lovers as they would like. They also live in a beautiful part of China - beside a crystal blue lake in the mountains that some describes paradise.
This month, Wild Junket magazine published my photos of the Musuo tribe in their Winter 2012 issue. I am so glad that the magazine ran this 8 page spread. The Musuo tribe - their life and their settlement - fascinated me so much. I can't wait to go back there some day.
If you are not a reader of Wild Junket yet, you can subscribe to their newsletter and get the digital versions of the magazine for free. I hope you have a chance to look through the magazine and I hope you enjoy these photos!