Photographs From Coast to Coast

7:24 am

My love for images began at age 16, when I dug up my dad's film point-and-shoot camera because I'd enrolled myself in a photography class to fulfill my Arts credit requirement in order to graduate. Since then, I've photographed models, actors, and musicians. I've taken my camera with me from Paris to Tokyo to document my travels and the interesting people I've met along the way.

I've upgraded to DSLRs and tried mirrorless cameras. I'm always keen on using different camera phones, including documenting 3-weeks in Japan using my Moto X. Heck I've even photographed an entire trip using Google Glass.

The tools of the trade keep evolving. But the images, they still keep me going. Lately, I've been sharing in-depth photo stories on my website, Powered by the good folks at Exposure, I'm finally able to share large frame stories without having to worry about the way they are displayed.

My latest stories are from the beautiful coast of Hawaii, where I spent three weeks hiking around Big Island, Oahu, and Maui. The hiking was amazing, as well as the snorkeling. Click on over to check out my images below.

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