The Moment It Clicks, Joe McNally

7:00 am

Last year, I saw  Joe McNally give a workshop in person and thought he was wonderful. Yet I only bought his book reluctantly - a sad but true confession - for no other reason than I thought the title was cheesy. But that’s neither here nor there. By the time I had finished reading the forward from Scott Kelby, any negative preconceptions I had based on the book’s title was out the window. I was excited to turn the pages and get to the juicy bits. Note: always read forwards and acknowledgements, they tell you a lot about a book.

Joe wastes no time diving into the best pro tips you’ll ever receive from a photographer. I was hit in the face with one amazing tip after another. Most books spend chapters educating the same concept, but not this one. Joe offers a fresh nugget of wisdom on every page! This is probably the best insightful photography book I’ve read so far. Joe pours so much tactical advice into every page. Talk about some serious knowledge dropping! 

For intermediate and advanced photographers who want to know the ins and outs of editorial work, I highly recommend Joe’s book.  

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  1. acruisingcouple15/6/13 9:15 am

    Thanks for the great suggestion! We'll definitely look into it!
