
A Beautiful City for Athena

10:53 pm

Athens, a city worshipped by people and gods. The beautiful capital of Greece is one of the oldest cities in the world. It is said to be the cradle of civilization and the birthplace of democracy. Named after the goddess of warfare and home to Plato's Academy, this city gave rise to many wise men of ancient times.

My introduction to the magical city began at the Acropolis, where I was enchanted by the beautiful remains and the stunning Acropolis Museum. There I also learned about the city's "catch, neuter, and release" program, which populated the streets with stray dogs. One of these free spirits, which I named Atticus because he found me and my friends at 'the Roundabout of Atticus' and because I've always wanted to have a dog by that name after reading To Kill A Mockingbird, followed me and the gang loyally from the Acropolis all the way to the Temple of Olympian Zeus, where we sadly parted ways when us humans headed for the subway.

Between visiting the Port of Piraeus and walking around Old Town Plaka, I also visited the Poet Sandal Maker who directed me to his favourite Greek restaurant nearby. After a satisfying feast there, I ended the day at the top of Lycabettus hill, overlooking the entire city. When the red and orange colours burned in the sky as the sun set over Athens, I remembered a great piece of advice I once heard: see the world as a traveller, not a tourist.

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