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Maiden China, A Travel Project

10:56 am

   Dr. Sun Yat-sen's Mausoleum, Nanjing China, 2010
I've been contemplating the idea of compiling a photo series on China for the last few years. Long time readers will know that I've been visiting China every few years for the last decade. Over the years of trips, I have accumulated numerous folders of photos from different cities that I've visited. The trips have become cathartic for me as I uncover more about the country of my heritage. 

Since my most recent trip, I have wanted to share my photos in a format different than this blog. I love working on Just-in-Time but I also miss the feeling of touching my work, holding it in my hands. So, I'm slowly but surely putting together a photobook of my images from China. Here are a few images I'm pulling from the archives as I put together the work. Hope to share it with you soon! 

Cattle skeletons hung on a village entrance, ZhangJiaJie China 2010
Rickshaw outside Old Town, XiAn, 2014

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  1. Your pictures of China are gorgeous! I am also travelling to Asia this summer and am pretty new to photography. I want to get a 50mm prime lens instead of taking the kit lens with me. Would that be ok for taking pics like the 1rst and the 3rd that you have here on this page?

  2. Your pictures of China are gorgeous! I am also travelling to Asia this summer and am pretty new to photography. I want to get a 50mm prime lens instead of taking the kit lens with me. Would that be ok for taking pics like the 1rst and the 3rd that you have here on this page?
