Three Quick Tips To Better Your Travel Photography

7:13 am

I have to make a confession, whenever people used to ask me for travel photography tips, I would refer them to researching online. It's not that I didn't want to help, but I just thought there would be tons of tips and articles online, and there were - and there still are. But when I finally took the chance to look through some of these articles myself, I was largely disappointed. Either the advice provided was too basic or it was too advanced. I have accumulated a lot of quick and easy tips to significantly improve travel photography, and I'm finally getting around to sharing a few here:
New York from the Rock

1) Research the location

My best shots rarely happen by chance, they are photographed with purpose. I spend hours researching before going on a trip in order to have a complete understanding of the sights that I need to and want to photograph. When I research a sight - whether a local market or a world wonder - I consider all the tiny details, including:

  • the best time to photograph in terms of sun light

  • the best time to photograph in terms of crowds and people, depending on if I want a clean shot or if I want to capture people

  • cultural considerations around a location that I should capture

  • the stories that have been told about this location already and the story I want to tell

My friend and photographer Sivan Askyo does this particularly well. She shoots design and details, especially in hotels and cafes. A while back she asked me to recommend some cafes and hotels in San Francisco that had the type of decor she liked to photograph because she was visiting the city for the first time. I’m not sure what the purpose of her trip was but she was so thorough in her research that she even made sure to find the type of accommodation that could lead to the pictures she was looking for. Next time you’re looking for a hotel to stay at and you think about your budget and location, think about Sivan.

2) Wait 5 minutes longer

Or 10, or in my case, 15:

I once stood at one spot in a museum for 15 minutes so I could get a clean shot of its interiors without any visitors. The end result appeared as if I had been invited into the museum during its off hours when it was closed to the public, but that was clearly not the case. That extra 15 minutes was well worth my time, especially if that image ended up getting published in a magazine. Patience is a photographer’s friend.

When I travel with friends, they sometimes capture a shot that is almost perfect but has one small imperfection: there was somebody walking by in the back, or there was a flicker in the corner of the frame. In that case, they generally walk away and say “Whatever, it was good enough”.  But sometimes just waiting for a few more minutes and shoot again can be the difference between good enough and amazing.
Beautiful Northern Ireland

3) Take 10x more images than you do now

Back when I used to shoot fashion photography, thousands of shots would be taken and it would get cut down into the 6-8 that make a magazine. Yet somehow, when people see images in magazines, they think there was just that 1 shot, or just those 6 shots.

I probably take even more shots per “look” now that I’m a travel photographer. In an uncontrolled environment, I’ll take 5 shots of the same or near same composition. I’ll adjust the focal point, and shift the angle slightly, take half a step to the right or left, stand on my toes, or kneel down. All of the same shot. I do this to make sure that I always have choices to pick from in terms of angles, composition (landscape vs. portrait), and that I never have to worry if the shot I really loved was out of focus, because I’ll have another half a dozen to choose from. And I have never regretted having choice. Subway in Berlin

Let me know if you have some tips of your own to share. I'm considering offering more photo tools and tips in the futre so definitely let me know if you've found this helpful.

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  1. I've been following your travels for quite a while and I've always admired your photos. Patience is always rewarding when it's supported by talent. :)
    Thanks for the useful tips!

  2. These are really helpful tips! Will have to keep them in mind. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Thanks Ally, I do think photography has helped improve my patience =)

  4. Thanks for checking them out!

  5. Those are really good and simple tips. Thank you!

  6. Hope you are able to put these into action!

  7. Some great tips, I also research online before going to a place and seeing what others have captured but then also when I'm there try to look for different angles from the pictures everyone else has of a particular place.

  8. Great advice Rory! It's always good to get a new perspective in photographs!

  9. Thanks Sivan! So sweet of you to drop by =)

  10. [...] I have to make a confession, whenever people used to ask me for travel photography tips, I would refer them to researching online.  [...]

  11. Some good tips there Tracy. I'm really trying take more photos. I'm just very, very lazy.

    It's also good to know that great photos don't just happen, you have to put some thought into when the light's going to be right and where you're going to get the best shot from.

  12. haha, yes, taking more photos is the #1 tip to getting better photographs. Just get out there and move! I find it helps to go with a friend and start close to home. Cheers!

  13. Tracy, I would agree with taking alot of shots. It is only then that you find your individual style. In that process, your style will evolve as well. One of my favorite quotes regarding the topic is by Henri Cartier-Bresson. "Your first 10,000 photographs are your worst.”

  14. I do the #2 and #3, but not really the #1, probably I should do the research more like you do ... But I like the element of 'surprise' too ;)
    Once I travelled with my friend, and I did #2 and #3, then he was calling me all the time after he waited for 1 hour ... I feel bad ;o)))
    So I guess, it's important to have a friend that has the same hobby are just go there alone :P

  15. It's true. My friends have become more understanding over the years when they realized that that's just who I am - a photographer. It definitely helps to go with other photographer friends.

  16. Great ideas! I’ll keep these in mind for my next photo session! Thanks!
