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Warming Up to Sunny California

7:40 am

California, we meet again.

While I faced what I considered to be freezing temperatures when I visited San Francisco over the summer, October in California welcomed me with no shortage of sun. On this trip, I left San Francisco for the warmer temperatures of the Valley. With every visit to California, I am also considering moving here next year since I will have no official ties to Toronto when my apartment lease is up in the summer of 2013.

It would certainly be nice to be on the west coast again but a side of me is also concerned that moving to California means giving up the opportunity to move somewhere far and foreign - maybe Asia (it certainly has been a long time since I lived there), or maybe South America (which would be a first for me). There is still plenty of time to think this through, and while I am deciding, I have to admit,  warm weekends like the one I had in Santa Cruz certainly makes moving to sunny Cali very tempting.

Yours, cozying up to California.

Santa Cruz CaliforniaI walked by this house and just loved its simple decor. Santa Cruz CaliforniaSanta Cruz CaliforniaSanta Cruz California
Looking out to the Santa Cruz boardwalk
Santa Cruz CaliforniaSanta Cruz CaliforniaSanta Cruz California

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  1. Such a nice place , Unbelievable . Could you please display the higher resolution images because the pictures are just awesome !

  2. Thanks, unfortunately high res takes up too much server space :\

  3. Cool, but where are you in bikini photos? :-)

  4. can you believe this - I forgot my swim suit when I flew into Cal from 15C Toronto!
