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Castello Di Amorosa, Napa Valley

6:20 am

As the car pulled up to the castle grounds, I was taken back to a different time. From the castle lookout, the vineyards formed a sea of green below. The Tuscany bricks burned red in the sunlight. On the castle grounds, sheep and turkey roamed freely. Inside the courtyard was a well, and a lime tree that had just ripened.

Everywhere I looked, hints of Italy made me smile and reminded me of my brief trip to the country 2 years ago. But I was no where near Europe. I found all this at Castello Di Amorosa in Napa Valley, California. The castle opened 4 years ago but its exteriors bares authenticity  - the owner had all the parts shipped from Tuscany.

I have been hoping to return to Italy for a long time, and I am thrilled to have found a piece of it in the Napa Valley.

Castello Di Amorosa Napa Valley CaliforniaCastello Di Amorosa Napa Valley CaliforniaCastello Di Amorosa Napa Valley CaliforniaCastello Di Amorosa Napa Valley CaliforniaCastello Di Amorosa Napa Valley CaliforniaCastello Di Amorosa Napa Valley CaliforniaCastello Di Amorosa Napa Valley California

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  1. Wow, I really like the shot of the well! Very crisp.

  2. Now I'm thirsty!! Gorgeous photos!!

  3. [...] As the car pulled up to the castle grounds, I was taken back to a different time. From the castle lookout, the vineyards formed a sea of green below.  [...]

  4. Wow, it really seems like my Italy! If one day I'll be able to go to California I will stop by Napa Valley, surely. You fooled me, haha! X') Amazing photos, really beautiful!

  5. Napa is a great place, hope you'll be able to visit some day!
