Three More Tips To Better Your Travel Photography

6:11 am

The last article on Three Easy Tips to Better Your Travel Photography was really well-received and the good news is that I have more tips to share! So, here are 3 more tips on improving your photography.

Aegina Island, Greece

1. Have a singular focus

Simplicity can make a great image and sometimes it helps to make your focal point one thing and one thing only. This single subject can take up almost all of the frame, or it can occupy just a small portion of the frame. In the case of the latter, you are utilizing negative space - the area of the image that’s blank and not occupied by a subject. I am a big fan of negative space and use this technique to emphasize the photographic subject and make the image more impactful.


2. Go the extra mile

In my case, I hiked the extra mile - in Athens, Greece.

In 2011, I was in Athens for a weekend with three friends. I had researched the best place in the Greek capital to watch the sunset - Mount Lycabettus. So I made my friends hike for 30 minutes to the lookout point because I really wanted us to watch the beautiful sunset, and although I didn't reveal this to them at the time, I really wanted to photograph the sunset. We were hungry and tired from a long day of touring, but I dragged them up the mountain anyways, despite their occasional complaints. There were moments when I really felt like I was testing our friendship with this hike. But when we got to the lookout, the view was stunning. I ended up capturing some of my most favourite images from Athens there.

I've told this story about Athens over and over again because it was one of those golden moments when I realized that I was no longer a traveler and I had fully embraced the role of a travel photographer: I went the extra mile for the shot.Sunset Acropolis

3. Pack light, pack versatile

It should come as no surprise that packing light has tremendous benefits physically, especially for those who engage in an active style of travel. When it comes to choosing the right camera equipment to take along a trip, I always keep it very light. I take 1 camera bag and tell myself that all my camera equipment must fit into that bag. I’m not working on crazy photo assignments so there is no reason to take many lights and lenses.

When I go on vacation, I take one lens with me - the 24-120mm. I call it my “lazy lens”. It’s versatile enough mid-distance zooms and wide enough to capture most landscapes. It’s not too heavy and I can avoid packing a bunch of different lenses, allowing me to travel light without sacrificing the quality of my images.

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  1. Great advice! Thank you!

  2. No problem, hope you can put these into practice!

  3. Great tips! Thank you. x

  4. Thanks for the Tips Tracy! Beautiful pictures, congratulations!

  5. Nice sample photos in the article...

  6. Thanks, pulled them from my recent portfolio

  7. [...] The last article on Three Easy Tips to Better Your Travel Photography was really well-received and the good news is that I have more tips to share! So, here are 3 more tips on improving your photography.  [...]

  8. Great tips...packing light is my weakness. I do pack versatile, but still never want to leave anything behind, which means my camera bag is big and heavy!

  9. Ah yes, the concern with missing the shot! David DuChemin writes a great pieces about this, have a read:

  10. Great tips Tracy! I'm also a fan of negative space.
