Guest Blogger: Alex Beadon

9:00 am

In the second instalment of the guest blog series, photographer Alex Beadon writes a beautifully honest post about her passion for what she does. Meet Alex, this is her story.

When I started writing this guest blog post, I thought I would write about why I love photography. There were many reasons on this list. But it always came down to one thing. The main reason why I love photography is because of the way photographs make me feel. I love looking at a photograph that makes me stop and stare, that makes me feel some sort of emotion. To me, that is the definition of art. Something that creates some sort of emotion inside of you. The best thing for me to compare it to is music. In the same way that a song can change my mood, a photograph can do the same. And yes, it is just a camera and light that actually technically makes the photo, but to me there is some sort of magic that happens when it all comes together.

So after coming to this conclusion that it's all about the feeling the photo creates,  I started to worry about what my photos make people feel. I worry about what my photos say. I worry about pushing myself creatively. I worry about which direction to take. I worry about creating cliches. I worry about who I am as an artist. I worry about finding my style. Even though these things worry me, and sometimes I find it hard to talk about, they excite me. They create something inside of me that I NEVER want to lose - inspiration. They inspire me to create. They inspire me to be myself. They inspire me to be different. They inspire me to do the work that I need to do to get paid - but to continue to do the work that makes my heart happy. They inspire me to push forward, to break out of my comfort zone and above all they inspire me to never give up.

I have to thank Tracy for asking me to write this guest post. It really made me stop and identify what it is that I love about photography. And because of that I feel inspired to be a bit daring and to start creating photography that speaks to me and my heart, and hopefully brings some sort of emotion or feeling to the viewer.

I grew up thinking I wasn't an artist, thinking I wasn't creative. Little did I know that everyone is an artist in their own respect. It is just up to each person to create and express themselves in the ways they see fit. So, pick up your camera, or your paint brush, or your guitar, or your dancing shoes. Create. Do something that makes your heart come alive and I promise it will be so rewarding :).

Here are some of my most recent photos, showing off a shoot I did entitled Autumn Princess:

Photographer: Alex Beadon (
Make up artist: Natasha Buchanan (
Model: Chloe

I hope you enjoyed Alex's guest blog, if you or a photographer you know would like to guest blog on Just-In-Time, feel free to contact me.

Until the next post,

Yours backpacking in Europe.

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  1. [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Tracy Zhang, Alex Beadon. Alex Beadon said: I GUEST BLOGGED for @tracyzhangphoto!!! Check it out here: [...]

  2. Thanks so much for having me on your beautiful blog :) <3 Hope I get to meet you some day soon!!

  3. Beautifully written and expressed. The photographs are superb, most of us can only dream of being as creative and expressive!!! Thanks Alex and Tracy!

  4. [...] to see the Guest Blogger segment take off. I hope you’ve enjoyed reading Larissa Felsen and Alex Beadon‘s blog posts. For this next guest post, Mike and I found each other through the power of [...]
