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Copenhagen Denmark

7:17 am

In June 2012, I left for a grand journey to explore Scandinavia: 5 countries, 8 cities, and a countless numbers of boat rides and road trips. I ate strange foods, hiked mountains and glaciers, and met up with friends old and new. This post is from part of that trip.

It didn’t take me long to feel at home in Copenhagen. A few days after my arrival, I managed to grab a bike and explore the city on wheels, blending in nicely with the locals. I began north, at the Little Mermaid and the Danish Resistance Museum. As the day wore on, I made my way down to the canals to take in the cheerful atmosphere of Nyhavn, sunbath in front of the Black Diamond, observe preparations at the Royal Stables, and finish the night at Tivoli Gardens.

Whew, it was an eventful and tiring day. Clearly I need more practice on the bike to keep up with the Danes.

Copenhagen Denmarkwhat to do in Copenhagen Denmarkwhat to do in Copenhagen Denmarkwhat to do in Copenhagen Denmarkwhat to do in Copenhagen Denmarkwhat to do in Copenhagen Denmarkwhat to do in Copenhagen Denmarkwhat to do in Copenhagen Denmarkwhat to do in Copenhagen Denmarkwhat to do in Copenhagen Denmark

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  1. The architecture in Copenhagen is really beautiful and the colours are very vibrant.

  2. I loved Copenhange for its colors!

  3. It looks awesome! we're going in a few weeks and I am really looking forwards to it now!

  4. Thanks, I hope you have a great trip!

  5. you have the most wanted job in the world; travelling! ;)

  6. [...] This year, I spent an entire month traveling through the nooks and crannies of Scandinavia. My favourite place was Copenhagen Denmark. I loved the coffees, the canals, and the bikes! If I had to pick one place in Scandinavia to call home, Copenhagen would be it.  [...]
