Travel Quote of the Day

10:22 am

I began my full-time job 7 months ago, two months after I graduated college. In the last 7 months, I have made plenty of business trips to New York and San Francisco, and two trips back home to see my parents in Vancouver. I have been thinking about perhaps taking 1 month off work to go on my next big trip abroad or just taking a few days to go on a beach vacation, but I haven't made even the slightest action towards it. I am happy at work - I feel challenged and motivated, I like the people I work with and I am good at my job. But a part of me missing the thrill of being on the road - not knowing what the next day would look like or where I would end up the week after. I miss breathing in every new country and taking the first step on foreign soil.

I have never understood the popularity of travel quotes on posters until now. It is about feeling inspired.  Today I begin a new photography project: Postcards from the Road. I'm going to take the top 50 most popular travel quotes according to Matador and turn them into posters by using my images. I hope the process of finding these quotes and complementary images refresh my excitement towards travel every time I work on this project. And I hope viewing the images and the quotes bring you just as much inspiration.

"There are no foreign lands. It is the traveler only who is foreign." - Robert Louis Stevenson 

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